
Today is an application to list events that have taken place (or will take place) on a given date. It contains a database of information, to which additional dates and personal anniversaries can be added.
The application was originally written by James Miskin, and the 32-bit update has been carried out by myself. Bug reports should now be directed to me, using the contact details in the download archive.Today showing some of the events on the 5th February
In order to use Today, you will require:
- a minimum of RISC OS 3.10, and
- the 32-bit Shared C Library (version 5.34 or later), which is a standard part of RISC OS 5 and can be obtained for other systems as part of the System Resources download from RISC OS Open Ltd.
If you already have a copy of Today with the data files, you can download the following archive which only contains the application, and copy your existing data into it. Note that this archive does not contain the source, either.
In order to use Today, you will require:
- a minimum of RISC OS 3.10, and
- the 32-bit Shared C Library (version 5.34 or later), which is a standard part of RISC OS 5 and can be obtained for other systems as part of the System Resources download from RISC OS Open Ltd.
Version History
3.10 (3 February 2006)
- Made 32-bit compatible and linked to a new version of flexlib.
- Documentation converted into ManTools format to allow for easy future updates.